Saturday, March 31, 2012

Welcome to the new Naly Dawg Blawg

Welcome to the new online home for Naly Dawg's Blog. Naly's blog will usually focus on pet accessories for XL Large dogs. Naly is a "small" English Mastiff. She just turned 4 years old and I believe she was the runt of her litter. While Naly is my 5th mastiff, she is possibly the sweetest one yet. She comes in at her adult weight of 140 pounds, making her look more like a large rott, and less like a mastiff. Everyone knows her as Naly, which is pronounced like "Sally" ... so "Nally". Her full name is Nalikutemwa, which is Bemba (a major Bantu language spoken primarily in north-eastern Zambia) for "I love you". Yeah, I is pretty hard to be a real tough dog with a name like that. I am sure the other dogs made fun of her at puppy training class, as well as the dog park. Even at a petite 140 pounds, it can be a struggle to find high quality pet accessories for these X-Large dogs. In this blog, we will discuss what we have used, what we liked, what we didn't, and in some cases how me made or modified something to work better. We look forward to learning as much from you, the readers, as well. Please share your great finds and even your frustrations with different products and vendors. - Pete ( and Naly )